Home>Hot Water System>Domestic Hot Water Systems>Electric Storage Hot Water Systems>Vulcan 661315 315Litre Electric Storage
Vulcan 661315 315Litre Electric Storage
(Manufactured by Rheem)
10 year cylinder warranty
1 Year cylinder labour
1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations.
Categories Domestic Hot Water Systems, Electric Storage Hot Water Systems, Hot Water System
The Vulcan 661315G7 315 Litre 3.6kw has high quality and performance at a very affordable price. Three very good reasons why Vulcan 661315G7 is such a popular choice for reliable water heating.
Many households change over time, so it’s important to make sure you select the model to suit your needs both now and as your family grows. Take into consideration appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers, which can use as much hot water as one person. Also allow for family additions and don’t forget – small children grow into large teenagers.